Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2017

Exciting News + Massive Giveaway!

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a great weekend. I'm really excited to tell you all that I am going on vacation! YAAAAAAY!

Why is this such a big deal? Well, you see, I've not been on vacation in ten years. I've been a metaphorical slave to my education/academics, and while that certainly has paid off, I think I'm well overdue for a break of some sort. So. I'm going on vacation!

I won't be on Twitter or replying to comments or anything like that. I'm sorry! Where I'm going, there will be no wi-fi or internet for me to have access to social media or my blog. Please bear with me! I hope that I won't lose too many of you while I'm going for the week and a half. 

You'll also note that I've never missed a day of blogging since starting in December 2012. (You didn't know that? Now you do!) I've been working hard since graduating on May 24th to have at least one blog post ready for every day I'm going to be gone, and have all of the links scheduled to post on Facebook and Twitter. So I will only be gone in terms of my presence! My blog will be rolling along as usual. I'd like to hold on to that accolade (having posted every day on my blog since my start)! :D

In addition to going on vacation (so exciting!), I'm also moving out of my apartment. I also graduated a little over a week ago. Lots of great changes! Usually these things call for a giveaway. And I won't disappoint - I've got three prizes for you all!

The Giveaway:

Prize #1: win a YA contemporary ARC prize pack! It's a mix of old and new ARCs. Open internationally, ends on June 17th, 11:59 PM EST.

Prize #2: win an adult romance prize pack! A mix of ARCs and paperbacks. Open internationally, ends on June 17th, 11:59 PM EST.

Prize #3: win a book of your choice! MG, YA, NA, Adult, I don't care. Your limit is $17 USD though. Open internationally (as long as The Book Depository ships to your country, ends on June 17th, 11:59 PM EST. 


(Pick whatever you want though!)

I may choose some runner-up winners, for other books that I want to clear off my shelves. These books will be "mystery" books not featured above. There is an option in the Rafflecopter to indicate if you'd be interested in the mystery prizes (if I decide to go through with them)!

Thank you and best of luck! =)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Tiny Break, and a Giveaway

A Tiny Break, and a Giveaway

Hi friends! As you can probably already tell, my presence is going to be a little sparse for the next couple of days. I really should have taken this whole week off, and next week. It's my last semester of university (yay!), and I'm in the middle of finals period! I'm tired, stressed, cranky, sleepy, hungry, and mostly over it all. I can't wait to start working. I will not miss this!

In any case, I'm not going to post a review today. I told myself that I would take a break for this last finals period, and so today is my "break". I'll have my usual STS post on Saturday, and probably a Science in Fiction post on Sunday, and things will return to the usual. 

Apologies to everyone whose comments I have not replied to or returned (which is everyone, for the last week). I will be catching up after Tuesday!

So, until then! I'll leave you with a giveaway, for a hardcover copy of Seeker by Veronica Rossi, and a Riders bracelet. USA/CAN only, ends 05/25 at 11:59 PM EST. This prize is provided by Tor Teen. Best of luck!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

1,000,000 Pageviews Giveaway!

Happy Wednesday! In addition to my usual Waiting on Wednesday post (below this one!), I've got a thing to celebrate! 

I've been remiss! An entire month has passed since I announced that my blog passed 1,000,000 pageviews. Yup, you read that correctly. 1,000,000 pageviews! ONE MILLION!

I wanted to do something special for the milestone, and I do apologize for posting about it so late. The Eater of Books! is now well past 1,000,000 pageviews so, ah, I'm sorry!

Thank you all so much for your support! These 1,000,000+ pageviews couldn't have all come from me! Some days I wonder though - maybe it's just me visiting my own blog? But no, it's all you guys. Thank you for everything! Especially these last few months; I'm still incredibly behind and I will definitely catch up soon (maybe by the end of spring break, which is this week?). A downside of publishing blog posts every day (and sometimes more than twice a day) is that I'm always going to have posts to catch up on (in terms of comments). But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't love it. I appreciate every pageviews, every comment, every visitor. Hugs to all of you - you make my life brighter every day. =)

And I promised a giveaway! Well, I have three of them. You ready?

Giveaway #1:

Head to my Twitter to enter this prize pack! Note that this is a prize pack of both ARCs and paperback copies. Some are old, some are new!

Giveaway #2:

Win five hardcovers of diverse YA books! Winner has 48 hours to respond. Titles are below. Open internationally. Giveaway rules apply.

(Note: if you win this prize pack, and indicate that you like adult romance, I may be able to sneak some adult romance novels in your box! It looks like there will be room in the box when I ship the books. I'm specifying extra adult books because they are small in length/width. So, extra books for those who like adult in addition to YA! Just saying!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #3:

Win twelve adult romance novels! A mix of finished paperbacks and ARCs.  Winner has 48 hours to respond. Titles are below. Open internationally. Giveaway rules apply.

Thank you for your support! And if you don't win one of these prize packs, don't fret! There is plenty more where those come from. I'm going to be moving soon, and I need to make a looooot of books disappear (especially ARCs). :D

Friday, December 30, 2016

A Look at 2016: Statistics and Numbers

Happy New Year's Eve, friends! Are you ready for 2017? I sure am. 

I've done this post over the last three years, and I always enjoy putting it together. I'd like to share my end-of-the-year statistics roundup with you all. Like an annual report on my blog.

Here are some numbers and data for 2016:

- First book read: Titans by Victoria Scott
- Last book read: Hard Hitter by Sarina Bowen
- Total Pageviews: ~887,000 (since December 2012)*
*Approximately 322,000 unique pageviews during 2016 
- Total blog followers (does not include Twitter, Facebook, or Goodreads): 6,746
   - GFC: 1,211
   - Bloglovin: 2,483
   - Email/RSS: 632
   - Linky: 368
   - Pinterest: 644
   - Tumblr: 296
   - Google Plus: 1,112
- Goodreads friends/fans: 2,076
- Twitter: 3,003
- Facebook: 3,025
- Number of reviews in 2016: 179 (includes three sampler reviews and two 2015 reads' review)
- Number of 1-star reviews: 5
- Number of 2-star reviews: 9
- Number of 3-star reviews: 30
- Number of 4-star reviews: 121
- Number of 5-star reviews: 9
- Average rating for 2016: 3.69
- Total books read in 2016: 174 (42 less than 2015)
- Number of pages read in 2016: 60,830 (this may not be totally accurate, if Goodreads' information is not accurate per book)
- Total number of published posts in 2016: 536
- Days missed in publishing a post: 0 (since the December 2012)

See all 174 of my 2016 reads below:

Check out my Top Ten of 2016 posts:

(Click on the button!)

Data for Books read/reviewed in 2016:

(I did this via Excel - I kept a spreadsheet throughout the year. It made it easier to put the data together and make charts and things.)

What this tells me: 

- Age Level: This year, my YA/adult ratio got even closer. I'm reading nearly as many adult books as I am YA books. This does not bother me at all! I love adult romance.

- Debut: This was a new category I tracked this year. I was curious to see how many debut novels (YA or adult or whatever) that I read in a year, especially with 2016 being a year in which YA debuts were so championed. It turns out... the "debut" label means very little to me, in terms of reading selection. Which makes sense - I don't really read books specifically because they are debut novels.

- Dominant Genre: Back to fantasy being the highest read genre! The large number of contemporary is due to all of the adult contemporary romance novels I read this year. See my comments on "Age Level" directly above.

- Number in Series: I'm still reading way more "first" novels than I'd like, but I also read a happy amount of standalone and conclusion novels. 

- Publisher: Surprise surprise, HarperCollins dominates yet another year, in YA and adult. In my pie chart, "HarperCollins" refers to their teen imprints only (HarperTeen, Balzer+Bray, Katherine Tegen, etc.). Avon is an adult imprint of HarperCollins, but I have it noted separately.

- Rating: My average rating jumped a lot, from 2015 to 2016. In 2015, it was 3.509. In 2016, it was 3.69. The sheer number of 4-star ratings and drop in number of books read supports this. Which is cool - it means I enjoyed what I read. You'll also note that I got pickier this year - I read 42 books less this year. 

- Source: I'm a little surprised to see my Edelweiss numbers drop. I didn't do a lot of downloading/requesting on Edelweiss this year, so it shouldn't surprise me, but still. I did a good job of clearing my NetGalley account though, and getting through print ARCs. It should surprise exactly no one that the main source of my reading material is review galleys (electronic or print). I'm not really in a hurry to change that, to be honest. I tend to read more if they're galleys.

- Year of Publication: 2016 was the biggest year, which is expected. I'm behind in my 2017 reading (that's really low, compared to where I want to be), and I did a poor job of reading backlist this year.

Things I did well in 2016 (and in general):

- Post my reviews on Goodreads.
- Post my reviews on Amazon.
- Post my reviews on Barnes & Noble.
- Get my NetGalley ratio to 100% (several times).
- Keep my NetGalley ratio at or above 97% at all times.
- Review the eARCs/ARCs within a month before publication.
- Diversify my reads in terms of genre.
- Comment on new blogs.
- Reply to comments on my blog within 24 hours.
- Return comments to the blogs that commented on mine, within 24 hours.
- Read less. (Yes! This was a goal that I made!)

Did I meet my goals from my 2015 post?

- Read more backlist. --- No. For shame. *sigh*

- Read less in general. (uni comes first!) --- Yes. I read 42 books less. That's more than I expected not to have read, but at least I met that goal?

- Comment on unfamiliar blogs. --- Yes. I met a lot of great people by doing this.

- Comment on blogs (any) without them commenting on mine first. --- Yes. This year, I spent a lot of times commenting on blogs. I made that a priority over reading.

- Do a little more on Twitter. --- Yes, kind of? I reached over 3,000 followers (barely).

- Attend more events. (This isn't quite my fault - Baltimore doesn't have many!) --- Sort of? Besides the Baltimore Book Festival (my usual), I went to Kathy MacMillan's release party. That was cool! But really, I didn't quite meet this goal like I would have wanted.

Things I'd like to do better:

- Read a little more. More than 200, this year. I was hoping to read 200 in 2016. It was not feasible, towards the end, and that's fine. My grades from Spring 2016 and Fall 2016 were reaaaaaally good, as a result.

- Keep up with the good commenting. Like I said, I made commenting a priority in 2016. I'd like to maintain that level of rigor (or do better), in terms of replies, returns, and new comments.

- Keep up with the level of posting. Note that even though I read 42 books less than in 2015, I published 17 blog posts more than in 2015. Which is cool. 

- Create an Instagram. I MIGHT do this, after I graduate in May. I feel like I flood Twitter with my weekly book haul, and I'd love to post that on Instagram instead (or maybe both?). I don't want to get carried away though. This isn't about followers or publicity.

- Attend more events. This might actually happen since I'll be graduating in May, and hopefully employed after I graduate. 

- Figure out what to do on Tuesdays. I ran a year-long debut feature (Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens) every Tuesday. I have nothing to replace that and no idea what to do on Tuesday. We'll see how it goes! I do not like winging things. I need a plan!

So that's that! The Eater of Books! blog in terms of numbers, for 2016. I'm a tiny bit disappointed in my reading numbers (especially my early reading for 2017), but I can't be too upset because I slayed in my academics. Between the two, academics will always come first. I'm really looking forward to 2017, in terms of reading and blogging. Hopefully it's a better year in general. Happy New Year, everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quick Life Update

Hey bibliovores! Just a quick note from yours truly on my (somewhat not noticeable) absence. This week has been extremely busy for me at my job (I'm interning this summer and it is wonderful!), because of some new projects assigned that will take me through the rest of the internship. I had a weird week in terms of blogging, but nothing that would note any changes.

I went out on a site visit all day on Thursday as part of my job and sadly, I felt very nauseous and sick for the rest of the night on Thursday. I think it's heat sickness (I was outside for hours, and it was well over ninety degrees with insanely high humidity), and I'm just going to take it easy. I kept myself very hydrated throughout the day (or so I thought), but you never know, in this heat.

So I wasn't able to finish the review I had planned for today (Friday) - and it was for a book that I know many people have been excited and anxious to see me read. I'm sorry for that, but it'll be up on Sunday or Monday! And I'll began returning comments and emails I've missed all week, probably on Friday night, assuming I'm feeling better. This post is good for two things: 1) to let you all know what's up, and 2) to uphold my reputation of not missing a day of posting since I began blogging in December 2012 (though this post feels slightly cop-out-y but meh)! #2 is more for me though. :)

Anyway! Tell me what you're reading. What's something I should try? Don't forget to enter my July New Release Giveaway!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mid-Year Bookish Report

Hi bibliovores! Happy Friday! Happy July! For my fellow Americans, happy early Independence Day! I love three-day weekends.

No review today, sadly. I've had a terrible week, and I really just did not feel like reading, or reviewing. So I thought I'd have a little fun today!

We've reached the mid-year point! Like, pretty much exactly mid-year. So I'm going to do a reading check-in! How have I been doing, in reading? In reviewing? What have I been reading?

Here we go!

Number of books read (so far):

As of June 30th, ninety-three (93)!

Age level (so far):

40 Adult books.
2 New Adult books.
51 Young Adult books.

Average rating (so far):


Ratings (so far):

- Number of 1-star reviews: 3
- Number of 2-star reviews: 4
- Number of 3-star reviews: 13
- Number of 4-star reviews: 66
- Number of 5-star reviews: 7

Number of posts (so far):

Including this one, 280.

Favorite YA books (so far):

Favorite New Adult books (so far):

Favorite adult books (so far):

YA books publishing in the second half of the year that I can't wait to read:

(Some of these I have. But I've read none of these.)

Adult books publishing in the second half of the year that I can't wait to read:

(Some of these I have. But I've read none of these.)

Favorite book mail (so far):

All of them are so great! But probably my Fire and Graceling weeks. THIS was an exciting time!

Favorite Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens post (so far):

The one from the week of April 5th -- all of the authors publishing that week participated! And there were so many of them. Fun!

Favorite Swoon Thursday (so far):

This was difficult, especially since Swoon Thursday is my favorite post of the week. But I LOVED Week #155's swoon, from The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury!

Favorite Science in Fiction post (so far):

And I think I'll wrap it up there! What do you all think of my mid-year status so far? What are some of your favorite books so far?