Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Tiny Break, and a Giveaway

Hi friends! As you can probably already tell, my presence is going to be a little sparse for the next couple of days. I really should have taken this whole week off, and next week. It's my last semester of university (yay!), and I'm in the middle of finals period! I'm tired, stressed, cranky, sleepy, hungry, and mostly over it all. I can't wait to start working. I will not miss this!

In any case, I'm not going to post a review today. I told myself that I would take a break for this last finals period, and so today is my "break". I'll have my usual STS post on Saturday, and probably a Science in Fiction post on Sunday, and things will return to the usual. 

Apologies to everyone whose comments I have not replied to or returned (which is everyone, for the last week). I will be catching up after Tuesday!

So, until then! I'll leave you with a giveaway, for a hardcover copy of Seeker by Veronica Rossi, and a Riders bracelet. USA/CAN only, ends 05/25 at 11:59 PM EST. This prize is provided by Tor Teen. Best of luck!

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A Tiny Break, and a Giveaway
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