This book, subtitled Unlocking the God Code to Reveal Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible, is one people will either love or dismiss as "hard to believe". Mainly depending on how you respond to the genre which includes prophetic dreams, coincidences too difficult to dismiss, and the original research on the Bible codes.
It tells the story of Timothy P. Smith, part of a family well known for construction, renovation of historic buildings, and researching antiquities. Through a series of circumstances, Timothy is led to a section of Scripture in the Torah and much to his surprise, finds embedded information about himself and his family. Which leads him to some exciting experiences.
I should say that the Bible codes found in this book are determined by the original research and not as in the book, The Bible Codes. Which the authors believe under mind the original research about Bible codes in the Torah.
The journey is divided into Parts I through IV:
- Part 1: The Unfolding
- Part II: Under Scrutiny
- Part III: Mysterious Madonna
- Part IV: Signs and Warnings
I couldn't put the first part of the book down, it read like an Indiana Jones novel. However, the farther I went along, the more difficult it was to follow the book. It gets bogged down in information at times and then elsewhere there is not enough of the continued story. It is almost like two different books in the style of writing.
Having said that, I give it five stars, for those who like this genre of books will find the story fascinating and readers can come to their own conclusions.
The Chamberlain Key was provided by Blogging For Books but the opinions are my own.
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The Chamberlain Key, a review