Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Best Laid Plans...

I had planned to write another book review mid-week but my reading glasses broke and I cannot ummmm...  read.  Not books, anyway.  It did force the issue on me finally finding a new eye doctor that accepts my insurance.  That went quickly and I had an appointment today with new glasses expected in two weeks.  I will buy an inexpensive pair of reading glasses in a couple of days.

It was wise, even if I was forced into being wise by circumstances, to get a checkup and new glasses while I have insurance that covers them.  After they arrive, I will make an appointment with my retinal specialist to get some laser surgery done (which I know will be needed).  The eye doctor found more spots that will need zapped.  A challenge of having Juvenile Diabetes.

You know how it seems challenges come one right after another?

The pharmacy I've used for years went out of business recently, giving us only a week's notice.  All prescriptions were transferred to another pharmacy in the area and when I went in to get my long term insulin, I was informed they were the only pharmacy in town that did not accept my insurance.

So... I then found a pharmacy close to me that did take the insurance.  When I went over today to pick up my insulin... now on my very last pen... I was informed my insurance has decided it will not pay for Levimer, anymore.  Even though they have been paying for it at my former pharmacy.

Which requires an emergency call to my doctor's office in the morning.  The pharmacist thinks the insurance company is going to force the doctor into switching me to a newer long term insulin, which should work and is less expensive.  But one would think again there would be advanced warning.  All prayers welcome.  Did I mention I have one day's worth of that insulin left?

Just like my glasses breaking, it could be good for me in the long run as the doctor tries a newer long term insulin that the pharmacist says is even better than what I'm using now.  However, I can't miss even one shot so prayers are welcome that this gets fixed tomorrow.  Even if I get the old insulin temporarily.

It shows me again how precarious our health care and insurance system is! 

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The Best Laid Plans...
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