Saturday, April 15, 2017

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Adapting

I have been giving my porch a good cleaning this morning since it is sunny and very warm.  I moved a set of metal shelves from the front porch (where it has been for many years) to the deck yesterday and finished the porch tweaking today.  It needed less... stuff.

I already have a garden bench, a wicker rocking chair (rescued from the neighbor's trash), a wicker side table (Goodwill purchase), and a small black wooden table (Goodwill purchase)... and since the metal shelves can exist on the deck just fine... they were the obvious choice for relocating.

Enough cleaning has been accomplished that my guests tomorrow will not have to view all the dirt and grime of Winter but I'm sure will understand why there is more to be accomplished.  Later.  A little at a time.

When I finish here, I need to do about a half an hour of work near the fence line and then start the Easter dessert, my favorite easy cheesecake recipe.  It is best made the day before serving it and that works great for my planning.  I bought all the cream cheese weeks ago when it was on sale for a dollar each, making for a very reasonable cost for a dessert that takes five (5) 8 oz. blocks of cream cheese.

As everything is budding and blooming around the place, I became more convinced something had to go.  I mean, my To Do list was more than I can handle as I haven't fully recovered lost energy from that illness (and it wasn't that great to begin with).  So I made the decision to not plant a garden this year.  I know.  I may regret it come late July but it seems the best course of action now.

It helps that my husband is in total agreement with where I want to prioritize limited budget and energy.  He worked a lot on the "out of control" landscape last year but there are more areas near the house and deck that the forest has been slowly taking back.  (Note to self: before you move anywhere in and around a forest, remember it has not given up the land completely!)

We need to concentrate on those areas before they get even more out of control.  We are talking trees trying to come up!  I'll still have a container garden with flowers and herbs on the deck.  I'm hoping to be able to buy more at the Farmer's Market this year since we have two excellent markets available.  (I think there is a third market on or near campus.)

It seems there is a constant need to adapt as circumstances change.  Normally with all the unsettling factions in the world today, I would think of doubling my garden space.  However, it just doesn't work this year.  So what God provides energy to do, that will get done... and trust Him for the rest.

Happy Easter!  I hope to write a Sunday Post tomorrow while the ham is in the oven.

Links from this Post
My favorite cheesecake recipe... here.

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Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Adapting
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