Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!
So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, February 26th to Saturday, March 4th?
(all links to Goodreads are provided!)
In the mail:
I only got two books this week and both were unsolicited, so nothing super exciting. I'll post them when I get home tonight!
EDIT: updated!
Thank you, Tor and Simon & Schuster! Both are unsolicited.
From Edelweiss:
I'm actually really looking forward to reading this book! I didn't really like The Crown's Game but I got very helpful spoilers about this book (intentional, peeps) and I'm very pleased about what I heard. I'm hoping I like this book much more than The Crown's Game!
Aha! Given how ridiculous the last three weeks were (in terms of mail), I knew I'd hit a drought soon. I'm glad because I have enough to read. For months. o_o
I shared all the good news on Tuesday! You can read about everything HERE, if you feel so inclined. Thank you so much to everyone who has posted something! I've been reading the wonderful notes and I am so touched. You all have made me feel like I'm floating on a cloud all week! Many hugs to you all. <3
Tell me what you got this week, how you're doing, etc.!
Stacking the Shelves (#219)