Friday, March 10, 2017

Signs of New Life

I was going to title this post "Out of the Abyss" but I thought perhaps that would appear too dramatic.  However, that is how I feel.  The Urgent Care doctor, my pharmacist, and my family all have told me I waited too long to seek medical attention but going from a bad cold/cough to the Abyss (of infections) happened quickly. 

I didn't realize how sick I had become until Saturday evening when I was in bed, unable to see clearly, and my head was pounding.  I was started on antibiotics Sunday afternoon, with the doctor warning me that if I had waited just one more day, it may have been too late.  I didn't ask him too late for what (?) but I had a feeling he meant just that.. too late.

I have gone through the past few years getting colds and mild flu symptoms without the possible side affects which come with diabetes. This time I wasn't so fortunate.  The antibiotics are working although my vision is still not clear.  So while reading was impossible it is now just difficult.  The infection going through the rest of my head is clearing up, just two more days of antibiotics to go. 

All prayers have been and continue to be appreciated. I promise, after going through this I'll probably be making a doctor's appointment when I sneeze next time.

It has been warm here but we have had a return to Winter that was expected.  March can be such a tease.  So I could tell I was thinking clearly again when I decided to walk out to the backyard to see if the first daffodils of the season had bloomed in that one space that holds warmth next to the brick of the house.  Getting dressed and with camera and scissors in the basket, I made my way to the backyard and there they were, shivering but lovely. 

With even colder weather expected, I decided to bring these first blooms inside to enjoy.  It took awhile to recover, it felt as if I'd just run a marathon instead of walked to the backyard.  But it will get better.

I need Spring this year.  I think, honestly, I've been in somewhat of an abyss since that evening in early December when Victoria had a stroke.  I don't care how much one loves Jesus, grief is real and it takes awhile to walk through.  Whether for a pet or a person. Add to that the virus that wouldn't end and then the terrible cold and even worse cough and then a terrible duo of infections... I need Spring.

I hope to write on Sunday, a lot of it depends on how my vision is by then.  I thought you might like to see a photo of the daffodils, along with my garden shoes I bought with Holiday Amazon credit.  They serve a double purpose, they make me happy just looking at them and they make my doctor happy because they protect my feet.  He noticed a scratch on my feet last year that I had received when wearing sandals to the garden.  Stern lecture followed...

Please excuse any typos, it is rather difficult to proofread right now.

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Signs of New Life
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