The subtitle of this small gift book by Charles Stanley is How Pain Reveals His Deepest Love. Now, I am not usually a fan of gift books but this volume, which is an abridged version of Stanley's The Blessings of Brokenness, is a rare exception. I loved it from the moment I opened the cover and saw the beautiful photography.
Charles Stanley is not only a gifted speaker, writer, and pastor but his passion for photography comes through to enhance the words of the book. I found peace just looking at the photographs. Each one seems to belong perfectly to the chapter it accompanies.
Another difference with this gift book is the depth of the writing, while a short abridgement to a larger book there is still plenty of truth on these pages. The words can bring healing to a broken soul even more than the photographs for they are based on God's Word.
Chapters are:
- Broken and Blessed?
- God Wants the Best for Us
- Why We are Broken
- Obstacles to Accepting Our Brokenness
- What Does It Mean to Be Made Whole
- The Development of Spiritual Maturity
- The Process of Breaking
- Our Protest Against Brokenness
- Preparation to Bear Much Fruit
- The Promise of Blessing
- My Prayer for You
Finding God's Blessings in Brokenness was provided by the publisher for the purpose of review but the opinions are my own.
Further information can be found... here.
Disclaimer: Most links to are Associate links.
Finding God's Blessings in Brokenness, a review