Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas!

I know it has been quiet here this December.  Usually this space is full of photos of my Christmas decorations and baked goods.  I just wasn't up to it this year.  There lingers a sadness in the air that I'm sure will be helped when another set of paws comes to live with us.

For those who have asked, we hope to get to the kitty shelter this next week but at least by the week after that.  We had so much snow and ice that walking to the mailbox was a challenge.  Even the parking lot at Meijers was slip and slide a few days ago. They salted between the rows of cars but stepping out of the van was like ice skating.  The extreme cold temperatures kept things icy for much longer than usual.

Now that it is Christmas weekend, we are in a mini heatwave and the snow and ice are melting.  At Christmas!  Although there is still snow here by the forest.  Normally I'd be bummed out about that but the practical side says to thank God for the warmer temperatures as perhaps now the ice will melt off the gravel lane.

Prior to having a new Queen or King come to live with us, I changed the Study furniture around this morning.  Our furnace guy had checked the Study years ago and told me the reason it is so cold is the very solid cabinet is over the only vent.  I told him I couldn't do anything about that, it is Victoria's favorite place in the house.

So I deemed it wise to make the switch now and put the higher lamp table over the vent, moving the antique cabinet to the other window.  It looks nice but I admit there were tears as I was switching them around.

Thank you for the cards and gifts.  Every one of them is appreciated more than I can say, especially this year.  Now that the Study furniture is rearranged, I need to get back to Christmas Eve preparations.  All the baking is done and has been distributed.  The cheesecake for Christmas dessert is in the refrigerator.  It is almost time to begin dinner preparations.  Piper is coming over and she is bringing her parents!

I'll be taking my annual break from Christmas to New Years.  Good stuff is planned for January. May you all have a very blessed Christmas and stop for a moment in the busy-ness to remember what and for Whom it is all about.  Much affection...

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Merry Christmas!
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