Saturday, November 5, 2016

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Storm Warning!

I had something else planned to write about today but after reading the warnings on prepper sites as well as in the news media of possible terrorism and/or civil unrest... I thought it best to concentrate on possibilities today.  Then I received an email from a blog reader who felt led to prepare for a possible emergency and that was the confirmation I needed.

I think most of us would, in the past, have thought such a warning to be an overreaction to what is going on in the world today.  But one thing this past year has shown us, anything is possible.  There has been civil unrest in areas where I never would have expected it to hit.

I was pondering what to title this and the thought Storm Warning came to the forefront.  It makes sense as the things I plan to do are pretty much the same as if we were under a Winter Storm Warning.  

Preparing for possibilities helps us not to fear.  God is still on the throne and we pray for His protection.  At the same time, if He tells us to do any kind of preparation then He is protecting us in that way.

I will:
  1. Make sure there is enough easy to prepare food for a week including milk, eggs, and bread.
  2. Check the drinking water supply and fill a few containers of well water for other than drinking uses.
  3. Make sure the van is full of gasoline.
  4. Keep the cell phone and iPad fully charged.
  5. Check the batteries in the flashlights, etc.
  6. Prepare some food ahead of time.
  7. VOTE!

I would suggest that if you live in a city or large town, make certain you stay in contact with loved ones and have a plan should there be any emergency situation.

The main difference between this and a winter storm is that a real snowstorm would be pretty much in one area, although the Blizzard of 78 affected a whole lot of real estate.  This kind of storm may occur elsewhere in the country but affect us directly.  Just as we saw after Katrina hit the Gulf States.  For instance, if there is an emergency anywhere then the price of gas may skyrocket and it is fairly low right now.

Should we be worried?  Certainly not, we should just be... aware.  We have seen more civil unrest than I ever thought possible in the past couple of years.

Now I'm going to share what the blog reader sent (without their name, of course, for privacy).  Lots of great ideas.  Don't forget to vote! 

From a blog reader:
1.  I am so grateful for a full pantry.  I am planning to fry up the hamburger I have in the freezer this weekend so it is ready for chili, spaghetti, sloppy joes, stroganoff etc.

2. I will cook up some of the dried beans I have in the pantry and make a big pot of rice.  These I will put in individual containers and freeze and if we don't lose power, then I am just that much ahead for a busy day.  If we do lose power, then it takes less energy to reheat those things than to cook them from their original form.

3.  I'm going to make a double batch of homemade granola.  This will also be easier to eat than oatmeal because of the potential cooking issue.

4.  I will wash all our bedding this weekend and catch up on all laundry.

5.  We have a well for our water, so I will keep up on all dishes and do some deep cleaning of the bathrooms and kitchen.

6.  We have carpet in the bedrooms so I will vacuum.

7.  I have topped off the gas tanks in both cars.

8. I have filled some buckets with water to keep in the bathroom for flushing.

All great ideas!  Let's not forget to pray for this election.  I think we all know how important the turnout will be...

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Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Storm Warning!
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