Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! The holiday has disgraceful roots, and this particular Thanksgiving is one following a brutal election here in the States, but I hope the sentiments of Thanksgiving and what this day is supposed to represent will shine.

I am so thankful to everyone who has made an impact on my blog in the last four years - followers, commentors, publishers, publicists, authors, librarians, booksellers. Thank you thank you thank you. These words cannot be said enough. Blogging has often been the light in an endless tunnel, especially during college, and I'm grateful for all/any support, past, present, and future.

My gratitude cannot be expressed sufficiently to my family, friends, peers, fellow students, professor, colleagues, supervisors, and leaders in life. Especially to my parents - everything I do comes back to you two in some way, always.

Thank you to God, for bringing me through and seeing me forward. 2016 has been rough on everyone, and I've hurt so badly this year. Faith has been a huge part of me moving forward every day.

I hope everyone has someone today! Give someone a hug, a call, a text, show some love. The world needs it. I'm not really a touchy-feely spread-the-love kind of girl, but today is a good day to be one. Be grateful, be kind, be safe, and do some good eating! =)

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Happy Thanksgiving!
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