Monday, October 10, 2016

Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens: October 11th

Welcome to Week Forty-One of Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens! To see more details about Sweet Talk as well as previous posts, see the introduction post. Thanks to Charlene (Bookish Whimsy), for designing the banner and button for Sweet Talk.

Today, I'm featuring the authors and books publishing during the week of October 11th!

The Questions:

1. Describe your debut novel in sixteen words.
2. Pitch your book! For fans of _____, _____ meets _____, etc.
3. What are you working on now – is it related to your debut novel?

The Authors:

Sarah Glenn Marsh, Author of Fear the Drowning Deep

1. A girl faces her greatest fear--the ocean--to protect those she loves from watery graves.

2. For fans of The Scorpio Races, and those who like their history with a sprinkling of unusual mythology and sea monsters.

3. My next project is unrelated to Fear the Drowning Deep; it's called Reign of the Fallen, and is the first in a YA epic fantasy duology with Razorbill. It's about a bi necromancer badass of a heroine who must decide whether to save or help destroy the change-averse nation crumbling around her.

Follow Sarah Glenn Marsh: Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Pinterest
Find Fear the Drowning Deep: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

S.A. Larsen, Author of Motley Education

1. A misfit medium learns self-acceptance and friendship while breathing life into a dead spirit world.

2. Motley Education is Keeper of the Lost Cities running amuck with The Blackwell Pages in a boneyard of spirited friendships, skull-fuls of humor, and corpse-raising adventure.

3. I'm currently working on book two of the Motley Education series. Think Sleeping Beauty crossed with Sleepy Hollow ... and zombies.

Follow S.A. Larsen: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

Tricia Clasen, Author of The Haunted House Project

1. Andie pretends to be her mother's ghost in order to remind her family how to live.

2. For fans of Counting By 7's and The Thing About Fish.

3. I'm revising a manuscript about an imaginary friend who becomes real, and I began a story about what happens when a girl's wishes come true ... for other people. 

Follow Tricia Clasen: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter
Find The Haunted House Project: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

Karen Fortunati, Author of The Weight of Zero

1. A realistic, honest and hopeful portrayal of one girl's high school experience complicated by mental illness. 

2. [Edited response by Alyssa -- the author was stumped! In my opinion, this book must be incredibly unique.] =)

3. A young adult novel about mental illness through the eyes of a sibling.

Follow Karen Fortunati: Website | GoodreadsTwitter
Find The Weight of Zero: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

The Books:


(Click on the covers to go to Goodreads!)

Other Sweet Sixteens Books Publishing This Week:

(Click on the cover to go to Goodreads!)

The Giveaway:

- Resurrecting Sunshine swag
- A Tail of Camelot necklaces
- Motley Education swag
- Finished copy of Fear the Drowning Deep
- Finished copy of The Haunted House Project
- ARC of The Weight of Zero
- Finished copy of From the Grave
- Finished copy of Lou Lou and Pea and the Mural Mystery

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Sweet Talk with the Sweet Sixteens: October 11th
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