Friday, August 12, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (#190)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!

So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, August 7th to Saturday, August 13th?

(all links to Goodreads are provided!)

In the mail:

YES! Thank you, Harper Blink! This sounds awesome.

Thank you, Random House! I'll be binge-reading this series next week.

Another series I'll be binge-reading soon! Thank you, Roc. =)

Thank you, SMP! I'll be giving away a copy very soon.

Neat! I didn't even know this was heading my way. Thank you, Piatkus!

BEAUTIFUL! I got three of these Classics last week, and here is another. Thank you, PRH!

From NetGalley:

I really liked Too Hot to Handle! I'm hoping this one will be great.

From Edelweiss:

I thought Walk on Earth a Stranger was okay, so I'm interested in reading this sequel!

Not a bad week! I've been watching the Olympics like crazy. It's been amazing and exciting, but rough on my sleep schedule (the East Coast and Brazil are on the same time zone, so I am able to see a lot of events live, after work). So I've been going to bed later and later. But the Summer Olympics only comes around every four years, right? Go Team USA!

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Stacking the Shelves (#190)
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