Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!
So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, July 17th to Saturday, July 23rd?
(all links to Goodreads are provided!)
In the mail:
Various cool swag items
OMG! Thank you so much, Michelle! This was an amazing trade and I love everything. <3
What an amazing surprise! I loved Dreamer's Pool and Tower of Thorns. Thank you, PRH!
YAAASSS! Thank you, Random House!
Thank you so so so much, Jenefer! I love buttons so much... maybe too much. :D This was a wonderful trade!
From NetGalley:
I love Tessa's books! PMB novel for the win. :D
From Edelweiss:
Eep! Tessa Dare is one of my favorite HR authors, and I loved MacLean's previous book in this series! Such a good week for Avon books. :D
For Review:
From First to Read! I can't wait to read this one.
From Kel:
AHHH! Thank you so much, Kel! You may have seen my Twitter feed, but Kel and I got to meet in person on Friday. She was heading south to D.C., and decided to stop in Baltimore and meet up. It was wonderful! And she surprised me with fancy goodies - such a wonderful surprise! <3333
I finally got to meet @Alyssa_Susanna in person!! And yes, she's just as awesome as she seems in real life.— Kel Peterson (@kelpeterson) July 22, 2016
And that's my week in books! I had a fantastic week, in life and books. =)
Stacking the Shelves (#187)