Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!
So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, June 26th to Saturday, July 2nd?
(all links to Goodreads are provided!)
In the mail:
Thank you, Random House! This actually should have gone in last week's STS post.
Thank you, Avon!
Oh! Neat! I have to read this one soon. Thank you, GCP!
Awww, this is such a great package, and a lovely surprise! Thank you, Tor.
Thank you, Random House! I was supposed to get an ARC of this book a few weeks ago, but when it never showed, I requested the book on NetGalley. And then the ARC finally arrives. Whoops!
I love this book! From a trade - thank you!
Thank you SO much, Novl/Little Brown! I thought I missed the cutoff for the package - I'm glad that wasn't the case! I loved Court of Fives last year. *heart eyes*
Thank you, Harper! I'd not heard of this one before (it's unsolicited!).
From NetGalley:
I've Meader's Tall, Dark, and Texan series! And the Andrews book was one I requested on a whim. I like sports romances. :D
It looks like a lot, but four of these are unsolicited books. Another is a 2017 novel. I've read two (Court of Fives, Starflight). So it's not too bad! And I'm good for it. *surrounds self with books*
Peeps, I've had a not-so-good week, on the personal side. Pray for my family, please!
Stacking the Shelves (#184)